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Teaching / [FEB53016] Topics in Business Intelligence (2011)

This is the course page for Topics in Business Intelligence (Computer Science minor), academic year 2011-12, block 1.

Lecture slides

Project work

The project work will be made with RapidMiner. Links to resources for course work are: Additional material in form of scientific papers can be downloaded from:

k-NN and Naive Bayes#1#2#3
Classification trees#1#2#3
Logistic regression#1#2 
Neural networks#1#2 

The group division is:

Yiwei et alk-NN and Naive Bayes4
Stamenova et alClassification trees5
Zaghainov et alNeural nets6
Merkle et alLogistic regression7

And the link to my ancient neural network image compression demo applet can be found /here/.
