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Teaching / [FEB23007] Voortgezet Programmeren (2013)

This is the course page for Voortgezet Programmeren (Econometrics), academic year 2012-13, block 3.



Exercises will be posted here and in blackboard. The answers _must_ be submitted via blackboard. When submitting your answer, include all the source files (with the .java extension) in a zip, and upload that through blackboards exercise completion functionality. The zip should have _only_ the source files directly in root of the zip-file (or in case they are within a package, then in the corresponding subdirectories). Each source file should clearly state in comments the authors' names and student numbers. Incorrectly submitted exercises award 0 points. For an example on submission zip format, see /this/. We use scripts to automate the unpacking- and compilation processes; if you're interested, see /here/.



There are 6 graded exercises (#1-#6) each awarding maximum 8.33% of the final grade, so the maximum possible to be achieved from the exercises is 50%. The other 50% comes from the written exam. The exercises are graded according to the following scheme:


All software used during this course is free (even open source). The required ones are available for all major operating systems and can be downloaded below:


The exam will be a standard one with three essay questions. Note that you are _not_ allowed to bring with you any extra material to the exam: only a pen(cil), a sharpener, and an eraser are allowed. An example exam including sample answers can be found /here/.

Other material

Data/other files used in the exercises:

Links to additional online content:

Additional learning material for pre-master students:
